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Plant-Based Proteins

Top 5 Common Myths about Plant-Based Proteins, Debunked

Plant-based proteins are becoming more popular as people look for alternative sources of protein. They are a great option for people who want to reduce their meat intake or for those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. 

There are many plant-based proteins available on the market, from soy-based products to pea protein powder. Plant-based proteins are a great source of essential nutrients, including iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc. They are also high in fibre and low in saturated fat. Additionally, plant-based proteins are often more affordable than animal-based proteins.

While plant-based proteins offer a sustainable, environmentally friendly option for those looking for additional protein in their diet, there are still some myths surrounding plant-based proteins that need to be debunked.

When it comes to plant-based proteins, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions floating around. Here are the top 5 myths about plant-based proteins, debunked!

Myth 1: Plant-Based Proteins Are Inferior to Animal-Based Proteins

One of the biggest myths is that plant-based proteins are not as complete as animal proteins. This simply isn't true. There are plenty of plant-based proteins that are complete, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids your body needs. 

Plant-based proteins are just as good as animal-based proteins. In fact, some plant-based proteins are even better than animal-based proteins! This is because they're usually lower in saturated fat and cholesterol and higher in fibre and other nutrients.

Myth 2: You Need to Eat a Lot of Plant-Based Protein to Get Enough Protein

Another myth is that you need to eat more plant-based protein to get the same amount of protein as you would from animal sources. This isn't necessarily true. For instance, you don't need to eat a lot of plant-based protein to get enough protein. Just 1 cup of cooked lentils has 18 grams of protein! 

Sometimes, you may need to eat more plant-based protein if you are not eating as many calories overall, but if you are eating the same number of calories, you should be able to get the same amount of protein from both sources.

Myth 3: Plant-Based Proteins Are Not as Bioavailable to the Body as Animal-Based Proteins

Another myth is that plant-based proteins are not as bioavailable as animal proteins. This also isn't true. Plant-based proteins can be just as bioavailable as animal proteins, it just depends on the source. Some plant-based proteins are even better absorbed than animal-based proteins. For example, the protein in quinoa is better absorbed by the body than the protein in beef. 

Myth 4: Plant-Based Proteins Are Not as Good for Building Muscle as Animal-Based Proteins

This is another myth that is simply not true. Plant-based proteins can be just as effective as animal-based proteins when it comes to building muscle. Some plant-based proteins are even better for building muscle than animal-based proteins. For example, the protein in quinoa is better for building muscle than the protein in beef. 

Myth 5: Plant-Based Proteins Are Not as Good for Weight Loss as Animal-Based Proteins

This myth is based on the false premise that animal-based proteins are superior for weight loss. In reality, there is no difference in the ability of plant-based and animal-based proteins to promote weight loss. In fact, some plant-based proteins may even be better for weight loss than animal-based ones. 


So, if you're looking for a healthy and complete protein, don't rule out plant-based options. There are plenty of delicious and nutritious plant-based proteins out there that can give your body everything it needs. Don't let the myths surrounding plant-based proteins deter you from giving them a try. 

If you're looking for delicious and nutritious vegan protein bars in Australia, look no further than Artisanal Australia. We have a variety of protein bars made with all-natural ingredients and are free from artificial flavours, colours, and preservatives. Plus, they're packed with the right grams of plant-based protein to keep you fueled throughout the day. Whether you're looking for a quick snack before a workout or a nutritious snack to help you power through your workday, these protein bars are the perfect solution. Let us help you find the perfect on-the-go snack and a great addition to your child's lunchbox. Order your vegan protein bars today!

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