BioGenesis Natural Australia (Travel Friendly) Organic Super Greens Powder
BioGenesis Natural SuperGreens are a nutrient powerhouse of Organic Chlorella, Wheat Grass and Barley Grass that provides an abundance of chlorophyll, vitamins including vitamin B, minerals, including Magnesium, which is necessary for normal nerve and muscle function, Iron and essential enzymes and antioxidants.
Our WheatGrass and BarleyGrass are grown outdoors in mineral rich organic soil that’s been certified organic by Australia’s National Association for Sustainable Agriculture (NASA). The fresh green shoots are usually harvested 7-10 days after sprouting at their nutritional peak, prior to maturing into barley grain.
Our freshly harvested Grasses are dried using low temperature drying technology to help preserve their potency and freshness. They are then fine milled into an ultra-fine powder which increases bioavailability and dissolves easily into water or any smoothie of your choice.
BioGenesis Chlorella is organically grown in the pristine Great Barrier Reef region of northern Australia. Bathed in golden sunshine the Chlorella thrive in the fresh spring water ponds. We have developed an innovative advanced energy efficient hydrodynamic growth system that replicates a natural river flow. When harvested we apply an advanced biodynamic technology to gently crack the hard outer cell wall making the nutrients fully available.
Super Greens Powder can help boost your immune system and support a healthy lifestyle by providing concentrated bioavailable nutrients. It is ideal for people looking for an energy boost or diets deficient in green vegetables.
Australian Organic Chlorella, Australian Organic Barley Grass, Australian Organic Wheat Grass. Contains no bulking or filling agents.