Buddha Teas Organic Herbal Elderberry Tea 18 Sachets
What is Elderberry?
Harvested from the indigenous Sambucus elder tree, these berries have been a source of nutrition and medicine for thousands of years. Much research has been done regarding the actual medicinal benefits of elderberries when used for common ailments and not shocking, it’s been proven to be highly effective against those nasty winter bugs and even chronic issues. Elderberry significantly boosts your system and helps support your body in doing what it does best to protect itself. Numerous medicinal benefits aside, elderberry is highly nutritious and rich in the vitamins and minerals that we need. It’s also a hefty dose of antioxidants and the vitamin C is through the roof. Bottom line, it’s just plain good for you, sick or not.
This little berry is also super rich in phytochemicals. Let’s talk about what these are and how they a crucial for living beings. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants to help them survive. The fight off bacteria, viruses, and fungi that would otherwise destroy the plant. They also prevent environmental changes in the plants DNA so that it continues to evolve properly and thrive. So, you might guess what can happen when we ingest these plants that are so abundant with life sustaining phytochemicals. Yep, that’s right…we reap the benefits of these miraculous little chemical compounds, too.

One more little dose of information about flavonoids before the science gets overwhelming. Flavonoids are phytonutrients and are a subcategory of phytochemicals. They are very important and serve a plethora of uses. They’re responsible for the rainbow of colors fruits, veggies, and flowers wear. Elderberries produce them in abundance and their rich color is proof. Flavonoids help regulate cellular activity and fight off free radicals. Again, you can imagine what happens to us when we eat…or drink them. You may be aware that you consume flavonoids every day. They make up the largest group of phytochemicals, and are a vital part of maintaining health as we age. Antioxidants play a huge role in anti-aging and elderberries pack the most massive punch in the ring. This berry is nothing short of miraculous on so many levels.