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Health benefits of MCT Oil Powder - empower your body and mind

Health benefits of MCT Oil Powder - empower your body and mind

Medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil powder is a supplement often added to smoothies, coffee, tea, juices and salad dressings.

MCT oil contains medium-length chains of fats called triglycerides. Due to their shorter length, MCTs are easily digested.

MCT oil is most commonly extracted from coconut oil, as more than 50% of the fat in coconut oil comes from MCTs.

There are many health benefits that are linked to the way your body processes these fats. Below are some of these benefits: 

  • Promotes weight loss 
  • Instant source of energy for your body and brain
  • May reduce lactate build up in athletes and help use fat for energy
  • Could help manage epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease and autism
  • Contains powerful fatty acids that fight yeast and bacterial growth
  • May reduce risk factors for heart disease, such as weight and cholesterol
  • May help control blood sugar levels and support diabetes management

To enjoy the benefits of MCT oil, why not check out the following products:

Brain and Brawn Vegan Keto MCT Oil Powder is derived from 100% coconut oil, it is palm oil free and has no artificial ingredients or stimulants. It contains 100% pure C8 and C10 and prebiotic fibre - acacia gum (soluble fibre). It is an ideal dietary fat you can add daily to drink or food for a healthy sustained energy boost. 

Brain and Brawn Keto Creamer with Grass-Fed Butter combines coconut oil powder, grass-fed butter, prebiotic - acacia gum (soluble fibre) and protein from dairy. It is perfect to add to keto, paleo or low carb diets as a High-Octane Mind & Body Fuel.

Brain and Brawn Collagen Keto Coffee - with MCT C8 & C10 and Grass-Fed Butter contains 100% arabica coffee, bovine collagen peptides, MCT oil powder - 100% pure C8 & C10, grass-fed butter and many more healthy goodies to boost your daily energy levels and is also great for hair, skin and nail health.

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